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Kevin Witchey


May 12, 2024

Week of May 13th

MONDAY - 240513

"The Other Total"

1 rep max clean

1 rep max bench press

1 rep max overhead squat


TUESDAY - 240514

"The Tale of Peter Rabbit"

Complete 5 rounds, each for time:
100 double unders
15/12 calorie row or 12/9 calorie bike

Start a new round every 3 minutes


WEDNESDAY - 240515

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Complete for time:
9 hand-release push-ups
100m run
15 hand-release push-ups
200m run
21 hand-release push-ups
400m run
21 hand-release push-ups
200m run
15 hand-release push-ups
100m run
9 hand-release push-ups


THURSDAY - 240516

"Goodnight Moon"

Complete for time:
DB thrusters (35/20#)

Use two DBs.


FRIDAY - 240517

"Charlotte's Web"

30 sit ups.
15 power snatch (75/55#)


SATURDAY - 240518

"The Cat in he Hat"

Complete 2 rounds for time, with a partner:
50 American KB swings (53/35#)
800m run with wallball (20/14#)

Split KB swings as needed
Run together


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