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Kevin Witchey


March 17, 2024

Week of March 18th

MONDAY - 240318

"Shamrock Shake"

Squat Clean


(Unbroken touch & go)

Rest as needed between sets.
Choose a single weight for all sets


TUESDAY - 240319

"Leprechaun Leap"

7 minute AMRAP
7 chest to bar pull-ups
4 over unders (24/20")

Then take 7 minutes to work on:
Scales or Inversions


WEDNESDAY - 240320

"Green Eggs and Ham"

Complete 6 rounds for max reps:
1 minute of rowing
1 minute rest
1 minute of DB burpee deadlifts (2x50/35#)
1 minute rest


THURSDAY - 240321

"Flight Simulator"

Unbroken double unders


6 minute EMOM:
6 toes to bar


FRIDAY - 240322

"Irish Dance"

Complete 4 rounds, not for time:
1km bike
12 ring dips
10 single arm DB press (right)
10 single arm DB press (Left)

Choose load for DB press


SATURDAY - 240323

"Luck of the Tick Tock"

Complete for time:
60 wallballs (20/14#)
50 alternating single leg squats (20e)
40 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65#)
30 wallballs
20 alternating single leg squats
10 sumo deadlift high pulls


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