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Kevin Witchey


April 14, 2024

Week of April 15th

MONDAY - 240415

"Graham Bell"

Complete as many reps as possible:
60 seconds of deadlifts (225/155#)
60 seconds of handstand push-ups
45 seconds of deadlifts
45 seconds of handstand push-ups
30 seconds of deadlifts
30 seconds of handstand push-ups


TUESDAY - 240416


Complete 10 rounds for time:
3 bar muscle ups
10 hollow rocks
15 air squats


WEDNESDAY - 240417


Split jerk


THURSDAY - 240418

"The Great"

12 minute AMRAP
8 burpee pull-ups
12 box jumps (24/20")
8 DB hang snatch (right) (50/35#)
8 DB hang snatch (left)


FRIDAY - 240419


Complete for time:
Run 2 miles


SATURDAY - 240420


Overhead squat

Complete 20 KB bent over rows after each set.

Same weight across all sets.


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